Subsea servo systems for the oil and gas industry

  • Redundant motor/transmission combination

Safety, reliability and competence

Integrated systems under one roof: perfectly tailored components for the regulation and control of your movements. We are specialists in power and signaling electronics for high-voltage and low-voltage applications.

Customized solutions

We will develop a solution for you that is tailored to your drive needs. You will benefit from our years of experience, our highly skilled staff and our services. Please contact us.

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Christoph Hansli – Global Business Development Manager / Subsea Actuation Systems - Walter-Wittenstein-Strasse 1

Christoph Hansli – Global Business Development Manager / Subsea Actuation Systems

Walter-Wittenstein-Strasse 1

97999 Igersheim

  • SubSEA Electric Actuator


The SSEAC (SubSea Electric ACtuator) is the first complete valve actuator by WITTENSTEIN for the oil and gas industry. It is designed for water depths of 3,000 m and can be used for throttle, gate and ball valves as well as High-Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) and Chemical Injection Metering Valves (CIMVs). It was unveiled at the Houston OTC in May of 2014.

Since 2001, over 250 WITTENSTEIN drives have been reliably deployed on the ocean floor. 

Benefits: Replaces hydraulic systems Valve condition monitoring Early notification to the surface in cases of critical conditions Double-sealed, housing configurable to customer specifications Performance data: Redundancy (2 channels) Maximum torque of 2700 Nm Super duplex housing 25-year service life